Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Turmeric and Ginger Tea

If you are looking for a tea that detoxifies your liver, helps in weight loss and prevents the growth of cancer cells then make a routine of having a warm cup of turmeric and ginger tea  in the morning before meal. Ginger and turmeric belongs to same the family of spices. Turmeric is now making its way to the top list of spices due to its numerous health benefits along with ginger.


  • Turmeric and ginger holds inflammatory properties. These two spices are use to reduce inflammation in people suffering from osteoarthritis. 
  • Ginger is excellent in detoxifying liver. It flushes out all the toxic from the body.  Liver is the vital organ which converts food into energy and fat. Poor nutrition  and excessive intake of alcohol can disturb the functionality of the liver which effects the circulation of blood and can lead to various diseases. 
  • Turmeric and ginger tea is very beneficial in weight loss as it cleanse and purify the blood. It boosts up immunity system and improves the functionality of liver.
  • This tea reduces bad cholesterol level. It is best for people suffering from diabetes as it balances the sugar level in the blood. (If the patient is taking medicine for controlling the sugar level, he/she must consult the doctor before consuming this tea  )
  • Ginger and turmeric are natural pain killers. It is very helpful for women suffering from period cramps. It eases the pain very quickly and gives instant relief . It works the same for headache and any sort of muscle pain.
  • Turmeric and ginger  tea is very energetic and is best alternative for energy drinks. If every morning you feel tired and feel severe muscle pain right after getting out of bed, Have a cup of turmeric tea and you will be energized throughout the day.
  • This tea improves skin complexion and prevents acne and also helps to get rid of cold.


  • Ginger
  • turmeric powder or turmeric root
  • black pepper 
  • lemon


Step 1) 

Take ginger and cut fine slices of it.

Step 2)

Bring water to boil, add ginger slices in it and let it boil for 2 - 3 minutes till the water slightly changes its color.   


Step 3) 

Now lower the heat and add half tea spoon of turmeric in it along with pinch of black pepper. Turmeric has the main element named Curcumin which is responsible for activating all the beneficial properties of turmeric. Black pepper boosts up the absorption of curcumin. You can also use coconut oil instead.  

Step 4)

Now let the turmeric mixture mix for 1 minute and then turn off the heat. Let it set for 2 -3 minutes and then strain. Add honey for sweetening(if desired)  and add one table spoon of lemon juice in it. Lemon boosts up the digestion and also increases the flavor.