Saturday, October 1, 2016

Anti-aging egg white face mask

Egg whites are excellent for pores tightening, skin toning, removing fine lines, wrinkles and any type of skin inflammation disease. You might be wondering that any thing so simple can give such amazing professional treatment at home without paying thousands of dollars. But that is the truth, we are unaware of the miraculous benefits that nature holds within itself.

Egg whites contain two essential ingredients for skin care, collagen and protein which play vital role in tightening pores and maintaining the skin's elasticity.

Protein :- help in tissue repair and shrinks pores rapidly.
collagen :- present in eggs are known to fill in the wrinkles, However, collagen cannot penetrate the skin, thus the effects might be temporary. But if this mask is used for a month or two, you will gradually notice a difference. Your skin will become tighter by time. You have to be patient with this treatment as the results are slow.


Preparing egg white mask is easy. Simply separate the egg white from the yolk. Beat it till it forms a light fluffy foam like consistency. Now gently apply the mix to your freshly washed dry face and neck with the help of an applicator or finger tips. leave it for 5, 10 minutes till the mask dries up. You'll feel tightening sensation on your face. Now wash it off with Luke warm water. You will see how your skin turns out so smooth and the pores will noticeably decreased in size.
Use this mask once a week. While using this mask make sure the eggs are fresh and clean. rotten eggs contains bacteria that can cause dryness and breakouts.  

Egg white and lemon :-

Lemon has anti-bacterial properties which helps to fight acne. Add few drops of lemon juice in the mix before applying the mask.

Egg white and turmeric :-

 Turmeric helps in reducing dark spots that are caused by acne and evens out discoloration. Its best for lightening the skin tone. Add half tea spoon of turmeric powder in egg white mix and apply all over your face and neck. turmeric stains so be careful with the mask while applying.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Orange Peel face mask

    For glowing, hydrating and younger looking skin use orange peel mask twice a week.

    We usually throw away the peel after eating the fruit not knowing the health and beauty benefits of it. Orange peel contains more nutrients than its pulp. It is enriched with various health properties that can cure many skin diseases. It is also used in cosmetics due to its skin brightening properties.

Properties :-

  • Vitamin c : It protects skin from radical damage that destroys the functioning cells and prevents acne.
  • Calcium : renews worn-out skin cells and prevents DNA damage. It has healing properties for dry itchy and flaky skin.
  • Magnesium : It helps in glowing skin by preventing oxidative stress in skin cells.
  • Potassium : Hydrates the skin and helps in preserving the moisture. 

Benefits :-

  • Skin whitening : Orange peel works as a natural bleach in lightening the skin tone, removing suntans and dark spots.

  • oil control : Orange peel helps to remove the excess oil from the skin without leaving the skin dry and dull. 

  • Anti-aging properties : Oranges contain powerful anti-oxidants that prevents free radicals that damages the skin cells. These free radicals are responsible for creating wrinkles and saggy cheeks. The calcium present in orange protects skin from premature aging.

  • prevents acne : Orange peel prevents acne by extracting dirt from deep down skin.

Method :-

Step 1)  

To make orange peel powder dry the peel in sun light for two to three days till all the moisture is gone. Then grind the dried peel in a blender or food processor without adding water.

Step 2) 

Add yogurt to the mix. Yogurt helps to remove dead skin cells and helps to moisturize it. I like to  use my homemade yogurt but you can use any type of yogurt. Its best for oily skin. If you have dry skin you can also use milk instead.

Its consistency should somehow look like this

Step 3) 

If you have sensitive skin, make sure to do a test check before applying it to the face because orange peel contains huge amount of citric acid and it can cause redness and slightly burning sensation on the face.

Step 4)

Carefully apply the mask on face avoiding the eye area. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with Luke warm water. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Turmeric and Ginger Tea

If you are looking for a tea that detoxifies your liver, helps in weight loss and prevents the growth of cancer cells then make a routine of having a warm cup of turmeric and ginger tea  in the morning before meal. Ginger and turmeric belongs to same the family of spices. Turmeric is now making its way to the top list of spices due to its numerous health benefits along with ginger.


  • Turmeric and ginger holds inflammatory properties. These two spices are use to reduce inflammation in people suffering from osteoarthritis. 
  • Ginger is excellent in detoxifying liver. It flushes out all the toxic from the body.  Liver is the vital organ which converts food into energy and fat. Poor nutrition  and excessive intake of alcohol can disturb the functionality of the liver which effects the circulation of blood and can lead to various diseases. 
  • Turmeric and ginger tea is very beneficial in weight loss as it cleanse and purify the blood. It boosts up immunity system and improves the functionality of liver.
  • This tea reduces bad cholesterol level. It is best for people suffering from diabetes as it balances the sugar level in the blood. (If the patient is taking medicine for controlling the sugar level, he/she must consult the doctor before consuming this tea  )
  • Ginger and turmeric are natural pain killers. It is very helpful for women suffering from period cramps. It eases the pain very quickly and gives instant relief . It works the same for headache and any sort of muscle pain.
  • Turmeric and ginger  tea is very energetic and is best alternative for energy drinks. If every morning you feel tired and feel severe muscle pain right after getting out of bed, Have a cup of turmeric tea and you will be energized throughout the day.
  • This tea improves skin complexion and prevents acne and also helps to get rid of cold.


  • Ginger
  • turmeric powder or turmeric root
  • black pepper 
  • lemon


Step 1) 

Take ginger and cut fine slices of it.

Step 2)

Bring water to boil, add ginger slices in it and let it boil for 2 - 3 minutes till the water slightly changes its color.   


Step 3) 

Now lower the heat and add half tea spoon of turmeric in it along with pinch of black pepper. Turmeric has the main element named Curcumin which is responsible for activating all the beneficial properties of turmeric. Black pepper boosts up the absorption of curcumin. You can also use coconut oil instead.  

Step 4)

Now let the turmeric mixture mix for 1 minute and then turn off the heat. Let it set for 2 -3 minutes and then strain. Add honey for sweetening(if desired)  and add one table spoon of lemon juice in it. Lemon boosts up the digestion and also increases the flavor.